Steve Scalise

Home/Tag: Steve Scalise

Out with the old. In with the Q.

House Republicans are feuding amongst themselves about the fate of Conference Chair Liz Cheney, whose days appear numbered. Steve Scalise, the number two House Republican from Louisiana's 1st Congressional District, called for Cheney's removal Wednesday morning. Cheney is an outspoken critic of the twice-impeached former President's dangerous, unpatriotic behavior—and [...]

By |2021-05-05T15:11:49+00:00May 5th, 2021|Press Releases, Releases|0 Comments

House Republicans Put Politics Before Louisiana

LOUISIANA HOUSE REPUBLICAN DELEGATION PUTS POLITICS BEFORE THE PEOPLE OF LOUISIANA Baton Rouge, LA - Louisiana Democratic Party Chair Katie Bernhardt issued the following statement on last night’s vote on the American Rescue Act:   "House Democrats worked through the night to fund vaccines, safeguard our schools, and get $1,400 [...]

By |2021-02-27T17:13:41+00:00February 27th, 2021|Press Releases, Releases|0 Comments

The Vitter and Jindal war on Medicaid is undermining Louisiana’s health care future

At the October 4th joint meeting of the House & Senate Health and Welfare Committees in Baton Rouge, Senator Ben Nevers of Bogalusa asked representatives of LSU, "Who decides who lives and who dies?" LSU System health care chief Frank Opelka told Senator Nevers and others in the committee room that patient access to [...]

By |2013-01-12T20:58:29+00:00January 12th, 2013|Analysis, Party Communications|0 Comments