BATON ROUGE – With final negotiations continuing late into the night at the Capitol, Democratic leadership in the House was able to hold strong and push back against the relentless attempts by Senate Republicans to insert the money-laundering “SAVE” Act into the final budget legislation. Thanks to the efforts of leaders including House Caucus Chair Rep. John Bel Edwards, House Speaker Pro Tempore Walt Leger and Rep. Katrina Jackson, joined by courageous allies from both sides of the aisle, our leadership held the line overnight. Common sense and ethical judgment made a rare triumph in the GOP-dominated legislature, and the final package of budget legislation to be released today will not contain the odious scam demanded by Grover Norquist and Gov. Bobby Jindal.

Even into the very last hours of a hard-fought legislative session, elements of the state GOP, still beholden to out-of-state special interests and in fear of their failed governor, continued their attempts to hold a budget deal hostage. Wiser heads and more courageous hearts will prevail. The budget legislation that resulted attempts to serve Louisiana families, without reference to the demands of Jindal’s doomed presidential campaign.

“This is a big deal, and will be a huge win for Louisiana taxpayers and voters who demand accountability from their elected officials,” said Stephen Handwerk, executive director of the Louisiana Democratic Party. “Special thanks are due to our Democratic Caucus Chairs: Sen. Eric LaFleur and Rep. John Bel Edwards; to Rep. Katrina Jackson, to Sen. Karen Carter Peterson, Sen. President Pro Tempore Sharon Weston Broome and House Speaker Pro Tempore Walt Leger. Without their leadership, courage and perseverance, this never would have been accomplished.”
