BATON ROUGE — Louisiana Democratic Party Chair Karen Carter Peterson issued the following statement today regarding final Senate passage of the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act:

“Senator Mary Landrieu was the first to raise objections to the deeply flawed Biggert-Waters bill when it passed in 2012, and thanks to her bipartisan efforts, as well as the efforts of Congressman Cedric Richmond, hundreds of thousands of Louisianians will finally have real relief from skyrocketing flood insurance premiums. The Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act protects homeowners from unaffordable flood insurance premium hikes, puts a cap on annual rate increases and fixes many of the problems caused by Biggert-Waters. All Louisianians, regardless of political party, ought to celebrate Senator Landrieu, Congressman Richmond and the delegation for rolling up their sleeves and getting this done for Louisiana.”
