BATON ROUGE — Despite the fact that Louisiana ranks 50th in the nation for pay equity, U.S. Sen. David Vitter today stood in the way of progress and voted against equal pay legislation yet again.

“It’s shameful that David Vitter is standing in the way of paycheck fairness, while Louisiana women earn 67 cents for every dollar a Louisiana man makes,” said Louisiana Democratic Party Chair Karen Carter Peterson. “Louisiana families can’t afford someone in the governor’s mansion who won’t fight for equal pay for equal work.”

Today Vitter joined with Senate Republicans to block the Paycheck Fairness Act.

In 2009, Vitter voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which restored protections against pay discrimination based on sex, race, national origin, age, religion and disability.

According to the AAUW, Louisiana ranks 50th in pay equity, with Louisiana women earning an average of $31,586 annually compared to $47,249 by Louisiana men.

For more on Vitter’s anti-women record, visit
