Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand (R) raised alarming legal questions about David Vitter in a press conference this afternoon. These questions about Vitter and his campaign, if true, show alarming evidence of criminal activity and intimidation.

During his press conference, Normand detailed several troubling and possibly illegal aspects of the Vitter campaign. He highlighted Vitter’s spy network that has audio and video-taped businessmen, journalists, and other citizens in a clear effort to intimidate and smear Vitter’s critics. He outlined how Vitter’s campaign tried to coerce a witness into false testimony against Wendy Cortez, the prostitute linked to Vitter, in an attempt to discredit her.

“Today’s press conference raised disturbing and alarming questions about David Vitter and his campaign. Louisiana deserves to know — has David Vitter broken the law again? Has Vitter’s campaign broken the law?” said Sen. Karen Carter Peterson, chair of the Louisiana Democratic Party. “Louisiana needs a Governor with integrity, and if what we heard today is true, and we have no reason to disbelieve Republican Sheriff Normand’s statements, Vitter should be disqualified from being Governor. We look forward to him answering these legal questions in tonight’s debate and the days to come.”
