Affordable Care Act

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LDP Endorses Re-election of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden The Louisiana Democratic Party enthusiastically endorsed the re-election of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on Saturday. The endorsement was made by the party's executive committee and by a vote of the Democratic State Central Committee which met [...]

By |2019-01-19T22:04:55+00:00January 9th, 2013|Party Communications, Press Releases|0 Comments

Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman Karen Carter Peterson issued the following statement in reaction to the removal of Dr. Fred Cerise as the head of the LSU HSC Hospital Division. "Governor Jindal's dismissal of Dr. Fred Cerise as head of the LSU HSC Hospital network is proof positive that the Legislature [...]

By |2019-01-19T22:04:57+00:00January 9th, 2013|Party Communications, Press Releases|0 Comments